(1) The department, in consultation with the *department of community, trade, and economic development, the department of natural resources, the parks and recreation commission, affected cities, towns, and counties, federally recognized tribes, regional transportation planning organizations, Washington-based automobile clubs, statewide bicycling organizations, and other interested parties, shall develop by December 31, 1999, criteria for assessing scenic byways and heritage tour routes and an appropriate method of nomination and application for the designation and removal of the designation of the byways. Factors the department may take into consideration, but is not limited by, are: (a) Scenic quality of the byway; (b) natural aspects, such as geological formations, water bodies, vegetation, and wildlife; (c) historic elements; (d) cultural features such as the arts, crafts, music, customs, or traditions of a distinct group of people; (e) archaeological features; (f) recreational activities; (g) roadway safety including accommodations for bicycle and pedestrian travel, tour buses, and automobiles; (h) scenic byway and local and regional byway management plans; and (i) local public involvement and support for the byway.
(2) The criteria developed in subsection (1) of this section must not impose nor require regulation of privately owned lands or property rights.
(3) Any person may nominate a roadway, path, or trail for inclusion in the scenic byway program. The department shall assess nominations in accordance with the criteria developed under subsection (1) of this section. The department shall submit its recommendations for scenic byway and heritage tour route designations to the commission for its approval and official designation of the roadway, path, or trail as a scenic byway or a heritage tour route. All decisions made by the commission relating to scenic byway and heritage tour route designations are final.
(4) The department shall apply the criteria in subsection (1) of this section to state highways that are currently not a part of the designated scenic and recreational highway system. The department shall respond to local requests for route evaluation as defined in subsection (3) of this section.
(5) Once the commission has designated a roadway as a scenic byway, the department may submit an individual nomination to the Federal Highway Administration for its consideration of whether the roadway qualifies to be designated as a national scenic byway or an All-American Roadway.
[1999 c 218 § 4.]
Notes: *Reviser's note: The "department of community, trade, and economic development" was renamed the "department of commerce" by 2009 c 565.
Effective date -- 1999 c 218: See note following RCW 47.39.010.