(1) A surplus line broker doing business under any name other than the surplus line broker's legal name is required to register the name in accordance with chapter 19.80 RCW and notify the commissioner before using the assumed name.
(2) Every licensed surplus line broker shall have and maintain in this state, or, if a nonresident surplus line broker, in this state or in the state of the licensee's domicile, a place of business accessible to the public. The place of business is where the surplus line broker principally conducts transactions under that person's license. A licensee maintaining more than one place of business in this state shall obtain a duplicate license or licenses for each additional place, and shall pay the full fee therefor.
(3) Any notice, order, or written communication from the commissioner to a person licensed under this chapter which directly affects the person's license shall be sent by mail to the person's last address of record with the commissioner.
(4) The license or licenses of each surplus line broker shall be displayed in a conspicuous place in that part of the place of business which is customarily open to the public.
(5) If a surplus line broker is dealing directly with the insured in any capacity, the surplus line broker must comply with the disclosure requirements contained in RCW 48.17.270.
(6) Every surplus line broker or other person licensed under this chapter shall promptly reply in writing to an inquiry of the commissioner relative to the business of insurance. A timely response is one that is received by the commissioner within fifteen business days from receipt of the inquiry. Failure to make a timely response constitutes a violation of this section.
(7) A surplus line broker shall report to the commissioner any administrative action taken against the surplus line broker in another jurisdiction or by another governmental agency in this state within thirty days of the final disposition of the matter. This report must include a copy of the order, consent to order, or other relevant legal documents.
(8) Within thirty days of the initial pretrial hearing date, a surplus line broker shall report to the commissioner any criminal prosecution of the surplus line broker taken in any jurisdiction. The report must include a copy of the initial complaint filed, the order resulting from the hearing, and any other relevant legal documents.
[2009 c 162 § 6.]
Notes: Effective date -- 2009 c 162: See note following RCW 48.03.020.