Each disability insurance policy issued or renewed after January 1, 1990, that provides coverage for hospital or medical expenses shall provide coverage for screening or diagnostic mammography services, provided that such services are delivered upon the recommendation of the patient's physician or advanced registered nurse practitioner as authorized by the nursing care quality assurance commission pursuant to chapter 18.79 RCW or physician assistant pursuant to chapter 18.71A RCW.
This section shall not be construed to prevent the application of standard policy provisions applicable to other benefits such as deductible or copayment provisions. This section does not limit the authority of an insurer to negotiate rates and contract with specific providers for the delivery of mammography services. This section shall not apply to medicare supplement policies or supplemental contracts covering a specified disease or other limited benefits.
[1994 sp.s. c 9 § 728; 1989 c 338 § 1.]
Notes: Severability -- Headings and captions not law -- Effective date -- 1994 sp.s. c 9: See RCW 18.79.900 through 18.79.902.