The port commission shall give notice of the proposed sale by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the county, and by posting in three public places in the port district at least ten days before the date fixed for the hearing thereon.
The notice shall describe the property to be sold and state that at the time and place specified therein, the commission will meet at its usual meeting place, designating it, to hear and determine the advisability of the sale.
The hearing shall be held not more than twenty days from the publication of notice. At the hearing the commission shall hear the reasons of any taxpayer in the port district, for or against the sale.
No sales shall be made, however, of the property of any industrial development district until the purchaser thereof shall have submitted to the port commission plans and specifications for the development of the property, and the plans and specifications shall be approved in writing before the property shall be conveyed, and the conditions upon which the properties are conveyed shall be set forth in the instrument conveying title thereof with the further condition that all of the conditions set forth shall be covenants running with the land. All properties acquired in the manner herein set forth shall be devoted to the public use herein provided for.
[1985 c 469 § 54; 1963 c 138 § 1; 1955 c 73 § 12. Prior: 1939 c 45 § 10; RRS § 9709-10; RCW 53.28.020.]
Notes: Validating -- 1963 c 138: "All sales made prior to the effective date of this amendatory act which are otherwise valid except for compliance with the limitation in section 12, chapter 73, Laws of 1955, which provided that the hearing shall be held not more than ten days from the publication of notice, are hereby ratified and validated.
All sales made prior to the effective date of this amendatory act under the provisions of section 18, chapter 73, Laws of 1955 and RCW 53.25.180 are hereby ratified and validated." [1963 c 138 § 3.]