City sewerage, drainage, and water supply: RCW 35.21.210, chapters 35.67 and 35.92 RCW.
Conveyances of real property by public bodies -- Recording: RCW 65.08.095.
County water systems, authority, procedure: Chapter 36.94 RCW.
Credit card use by local governments: RCW 43.09.2855.
Furnishing impure water: RCW 70.54.020.
Hospitalization and medical aid for public employees and dependents -- Premiums, governmental contributions authorized: RCW 41.04.180, 41.04.190.
Irrigation districts authorized to acquire water district's water system, authority to convey: RCW 87.03.015.
Municipal corporation may authorize investment of funds that are in custody of county treasurer or other municipal corporation treasurer: RCW 36.29.020.
Pollution of watershed or source of drinking water: RCW 70.54.010, 70.54.030.
Port district may provide sewer and water utilities in adjacent areas: RCW 53.08.040.
Taxing authority of cities: Chapter 35.13B RCW.