(1) The legislature finds that existing older mobile homes provide affordable housing to many persons, and that requiring these homes that are legally located in mobile home parks to meet new fire, safety, and construction codes because they are relocating due to the closure or conversion of the mobile home park, compounds the economic burden facing these tenants.
(2) Mobile homes that are relocated due to either the closure or conversion of a mobile home park, may not be required by any city or county to comply with the requirements of any applicable fire, safety, or construction code for the sole reason of its relocation. This section shall only apply if the original occupancy classification of the building is not changed as a result of the move.
(3) This section shall not apply to mobile homes that are substantially remodeled or rehabilitated, nor to any work performed in compliance with installation requirements. For the purpose of determining whether a moved mobile home has been substantially remodeled or rebuilt, any cost relating to preparation for relocation or installation shall not be considered.
[1995 c 122 § 11; 1991 c 327 § 16.]