Except as provided in RCW 59.28.030, all owners of federally assisted housing shall, at least twelve months before the expiration of the rental assistance contract or prepayment of a mortgage or loan, serve a written notice of the anticipated expiration or prepayment date on each tenant household residing in the housing, on the clerk of the city, or clerk of the county legislative authority if in an unincorporated area, in which the property is located, on any public housing agency that would be responsible for administering tenant-based rental assistance to persons who would otherwise be displaced from this housing, and on the *department of community, trade, and economic development, by regular and certified mail. All owners of federally assisted housing shall also serve written notice of the anticipated expiration or prepayment date on each tenant household that moves into the housing after the initial notice has been given, but before the expiration of the rental assistance contract or prepayment of the mortgage or loan. This notice shall be given before a new tenant is asked to execute a rental agreement or required to pay any deposits.
[2002 c 30 § 3; 2000 c 255 § 3; 1995 c 399 § 160; 1989 c 188 § 4.]
Notes: *Reviser's note: The "department of community, trade, and economic development" was renamed the "department of commerce" by 2009 c 565.