All steamers, vessels and boats, their tackle, apparel and furniture shall be held liable at all ports and places within this state or within the jurisdiction of the courts of this state or within the jurisdiction of the courts of the United States in said state for services rendered by stevedores, longshoremen or others engaged in the loading, unloading, stowing or dunnaging of cargo in or from any steamer, vessel or boat in any harbor or at any other place within said state, or within the jurisdiction of the courts thereof as above stated, and said steamers, vessels and boats shall further be liable as per their contracts for all services performed upon wharfs or landing places by stevedores, longshoremen or others: PROVIDED, That such services must have been so performed in and about and be connected with the loading, unloading, dunnaging or stowing of said cargo.
[1901 c 75 § 1; RRS § 1184.]