Whenever any baggage, property or other valuables which have been retained by any hotel keeper, inn keeper, lodging house keeper or boarding house keeper, in his possession by virtue of the provision of RCW 60.66.010, shall remain unredeemed for the period of three months after the same shall have been so retained, then it shall be lawful for such hotel keeper, inn keeper, lodging house keeper or boarding house keeper to sell such baggage, property or other valuables at public auction, after giving the owner thereof ten days' notice of the time and place of such sale, through the post office, or by advertising in some newspaper published in the county where such sale is made, or by posting notices in three conspicuous places in such county, and out of the proceeds of such sale to pay all legal charges due from the owner of such baggage, property or valuables, including proper charges for storage of the same, and the overplus, if any, shall be paid to the owner upon demand.
[1890 p 96 § 2; RRS § 1202.]