Consumer loan act: Chapter 31.04 RCW.
Corporate powers of banks and trust companies: RCW 30.08.140, 30.08.150.
Credit unions: Chapter 31.12 RCW.
Excise tax on real estate sales: Chapter 82.45 RCW.
Frauds and swindles -- Encumbered, leased or rented personal property: RCW 9.45.060.
Fraudulent conveyances: Chapter 19.40 RCW.
Insurance companies, investments: Chapter 48.13 RCW.
Interest, usury: Chapter 19.52 RCW.
Joint tenancies: Chapter 64.28 RCW.
Liens: Title 60 RCW.
Motor vehicles, certificates of ownership: Chapter 46.12 RCW.
Mutual savings banks investments: Chapter 32.20 RCW. powers and duties: Chapters 32.08, 32.12, 32.16 RCW.
Negotiable instruments: Title 62A RCW.
Possession of real property to collect mortgaged, pledged or assigned rents and profits: RCW 7.28.230.
Property taxes: Title 84 RCW.
Real estate brokers and salespersons: Chapter 18.85 RCW.
Real property and conveyances: Title 64 RCW.
Recording master form instruments and mortgages or deeds of trust incorporating master form provisions: RCW 65.08.160.
Recording mortgages: Title 65 RCW.
Retail installment sales of goods and services: Chapter 63.14 RCW.
Savings and loan associations: Title 33 RCW.
Statute of frauds: Chapter 19.36 RCW.