Reviser's note: The Uniform Commercial Code was enacted by 1965 ex.s. c 157 and became effective at midnight on June 30, 1967. The 1972 amendments to the Uniform Commercial Code recommended by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws were enacted by 1981 c 41 and become effective at midnight on June 30, 1982. The style of the numbers assigned in the Commercial Code differs from the standard RCW numbering system. The purpose of this variance is to enable ready comparison with the laws and annotations of other states which have adopted the Uniform Commercial Code and to conform to the recommendations of the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. As enacted and amended by the Washington Legislature, the Uniform Commercial Code is divided into eleven Articles, which are subdivided into a number of Parts. The first section in Article 1, Part 1 of the Commercial Code is numbered 1-101, the second section in Article 1, Part 1 is numbered 1-102, the first section in Article 1, Part 2 is numbered 1-201, the first section in Article 2, Part 1 is numbered 2-101, etc. We have assigned Title 62A RCW for the Uniform Commercial Code but have retained its uniform numbering; thus in this title, section 1-101 of the Commercial Code becomes RCW 62A.1-101; section 1-102 becomes RCW 62A.1-102; section 1-201 becomes RCW62A.1-201 ; section 2-101 becomes RCW 62A.2-101, and so on.
Cashing checks, drafts, and state warrants for state officers and employees -- Discretionary -- Conditions -- Procedure upon dishonor: RCW 43.08.180.
Immunity from implied warranties and civil liability relating to blood, plasma, and blood derivative -- Scope -- Effective date: RCW 70.54.120.
Materials specifically authorized to be printed and distributed by secretary of state: RCW 43.07.140.
Motor vehicle certificate of ownership, transfer, perfection of security interest, etc.: Chapter 46.12 RCW. express warranties: Chapter 19.118 RCW.
Uniform law commission: Chapter 43.56 RCW.