(1) Property subject to a loan agreement which is on loan to a museum or historical society shall be deemed to be donated to the museum or society if no claim is made or action filed to recover the property after termination or expiration of the loan and if the museum or society has given notice pursuant to RCW 63.26.040 and no assertion of title has been filed within ninety days from the date of the second published notice.
(2) A museum or society may terminate a loan of property if the property was loaned to the museum or society for an indefinite term and the property has been held by the museum or society for five years or more. Property on "permanent loan" shall be deemed to be loaned for an indefinite term.
(3) If property was loaned to the museum or society for a specified term, the museum or society may give notice of termination of the loan at any time after expiration of the specified term.
(4) It is the responsibility of the owner of property on loan to a museum or society to notify the museum or society promptly in writing of any change of address or change in ownership of the property.
(5) When a museum or society accepts a loan of property, the museum or society shall inform the owner in writing of the provisions of this chapter.
[1988 c 226 § 5.]