The legislature finds that the national conference of commissioners on uniform state laws has developed uniform legislation called the uniform environmental covenants act. The act ensures that environmental covenants, recorded use restrictions negotiated in connection with hazardous waste site cleanups, and other environmental response projects are legally valid and enforceable. The uniform environmental covenants act achieves this objective by providing clear statutory standards that override court-made doctrines that do not fit such cleanup and reuse contexts. The legislature further finds that nothing in this chapter will amend or modify any local or state laws that determine when environmental covenants are required, when a particular contaminated site must be cleaned up, or the standards for a cleanup.
Adoption of the uniform environmental covenants act in Washington will provide all participants in a cleanup with greater confidence that environmental covenants and other institutional controls will be effective over the life of the cleanup. This will facilitate cleanups of many sites and assist in the recycling of urban brownfield properties into new economic uses for the benefit of the citizens of Washington.
This chapter adopts most provisions of the uniform legislation while making modifications to integrate the uniform environmental covenants act with Washington's environmental cleanup programs.
[2007 c 104 § 1.]