(1) There shall be a license to be designated as a class S license to qualified duty free exporters authorizing such exporters to sell beer and wine to vessels for consumption outside the state of Washington.
(2) To qualify for a license under subsection (1) of this section, the exporter shall have:
(a) An importer's basic permit issued by the United States bureau of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms and a customs house license in conjunction with a common carriers bond;
(b) A customs bonded warehouse, or be able to operate from a foreign trade zone; and
(c) A notarized signed statement from the purchaser stating that the product is for consumption outside the state of Washington.
(3) The license for qualified duty free exporters shall authorize the duty free exporter to purchase from a brewery, winery, beer wholesaler, wine wholesaler, beer importer, or wine importer licensed by the state of Washington.
(4) Beer and/or wine sold and delivered in this state to duty free exporters for use under this section shall be considered exported from the state.
(5) The fee for this license shall be one hundred dollars per annum.
[1987 c 386 § 1.]