(1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, it shall be unlawful for any retail beer or wine licensee to purchase beer or wine, except from a duly licensed distributor, domestic winery, domestic brewer, certificate of approval holder with a direct shipment endorsement, or the board.
(2) A beer or wine retailer licensee may purchase beer or wine from a government agency which has lawfully seized beer or wine from a licensed beer or wine retailer, or from a board-authorized retailer, or from a licensed retailer which has discontinued business if the distributor has refused to accept beer or wine from that retailer for return and refund. Beer and wine purchased under this subsection shall meet the quality standards set by its manufacturer.
(3) Special occasion licensees holding a special occasion license may only purchase beer or wine from a beer or wine retailer duly licensed to sell beer or wine for off-premises consumption, the board, or from a duly licensed beer or wine distributor.
[2006 c 302 § 8. Prior: 1994 c 201 § 5; 1994 c 63 § 2; 1987 c 205 § 1; 1937 c 217 § 1(23H) (adding new section 23-H to 1933 ex.s. c 62); RRS § 7306-23H.]
Notes: Effective date -- 2006 c 302: See note following RCW 66.24.170.