No liquor manufacturer, importer, distributor, retailer, authorized representative holding a certificate of approval, agent thereof, or campus representative of any of the foregoing, may conduct promotional activities for any liquor product on the campus of any college or university nor may any such entities engage in activities that facilitate or promote the consumption of alcoholic beverages by the students of the college or university at which the activity takes place. This section does not prohibit the following:
(1) The sale of alcoholic beverages, by retail licensees on their licensed premises, to persons of legal age and condition to consume alcoholic beverages;
(2) Sponsorship of broadcasting services for events on a college or university campus;
(3) Liquor advertising in campus publications; or
(4) Financial assistance to an activity and acknowledgment of the source of the assistance, if the assistance, activity, and acknowledgment are each approved by the college or university administration.
[2004 c 160 § 16; 1985 c 352 § 20.]
Notes: Effective date -- 2004 c 160: See note following RCW 66.04.010.
Severability -- 1985 c 352: See note following RCW 10.05.010.