This act is necessary for the support of the state government and its existing public institutions and shall take effect immediately: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That any person, who shall at the time this act takes effect be the bona fide holder of a license duly issued under *chapter 62, Laws of 1933, extraordinary session, as amended by chapters 13, 80, 158 and 174, Laws of 1935 and chapters 62 and 217, Laws of 1937, shall be entitled to exercise the rights and privileges granted by such license until the 30th day of September, 1939: AND PROVIDED FURTHER, That all persons lawfully engaged in activities not required to be licensed prior to the taking effect of this act but which are required to be licensed under the provisions of this act shall have thirty days from and after the taking effect of this act in which to comply with the same.
[1939 c 172 § 11; RRS § 7306-97a.]
Notes: *Reviser's note: Chapter 62, Laws of 1933, extraordinary session, is the basic liquor act codified in this title. The 1939 act in which it appears amended it.