Board of pharmacy: Chapter 18.64 RCW.
Controlled atmosphere storage of fruits and vegetables: Chapter 15.30 RCW.
Hazardous substances (poison prevention): Chapter 70.106 RCW.
Horse meat: RCW 16.68.140.
Hotel and restaurant safety regulations: Chapter 70.62 RCW.
Inhaling toxic fumes: Chapter 9.47A RCW.
Milk and milk products for animal food: Chapter 15.37 RCW.
Poison information centers: Chapter 18.76 RCW.
Preparations, patent medicines containing alcohol: Chapter 66.12 RCW.
Regulation of sale of drugs and medicines authorized: State Constitution Art. 20 § 2.
Unlawful to refill trademarked containers: RCW 19.76.110.