(1) The on-site program management plans of local health jurisdictions required under RCW 70.118A.030 must be submitted to the department by July 1, 2007, and be reviewed to determine if they contain all necessary elements. The department shall provide in writing to the local board of health its review of the completeness of the plan. The board may adopt additional criteria by rule for approving plans.
(2) In reviewing the on-site strategy component of the plan, the department shall ensure that all required elements, including designation of any marine recovery area, have been addressed.
(3) Within thirty days of receiving an on-site strategy, the department shall either approve the on-site strategy or provide in writing the reasons for not approving the strategy and recommend changes. If the department does not approve the on-site strategy, the local health officer must amend and resubmit the plan to the department for approval.
(4) Upon receipt of department approval or after thirty days without notification, whichever comes first, the local health officer shall implement the on-site strategy.
(5) If the department denies approval of an on-site strategy, the local health officer may appeal the denial to the board. The board must make a final determination concerning the denial.
(6) The department shall assist local health jurisdictions in:
(a) Developing written on-site program management plans required by RCW 70.118A.030;
(b) Identifying reasonable methods for finding unknown systems; and
(c) Developing or enhancing electronic data systems that will enable each local health jurisdiction to actively manage all on-site sewage disposal systems within their jurisdictions, with priority given to those on-site sewage disposal systems that are located in or which could affect designated marine recovery areas.
[2006 c 18 § 7.]