(1) The director shall develop and distribute to appropriate cities, towns, and counties a form for use by the local government in making the certification required for all private owner and operator financial assistance along with instructions on the use of such form.
(2) In certifying a private owner or operator retailing petroleum products to the public as meeting vital local government, public health or safety needs, the local government shall:
(a) Consider and find that other retail suppliers of petroleum products are located remote from the local community;
(b) Consider and find that the owner or operator requesting certification is capable of faithfully fulfilling the agreement required for financial assistance;
(c) Designate the local government official who will be responsible for negotiating the price of petroleum products to be sold on a cost-plus basis to the local government entities in the affected communities and the entities eligible to receive petroleum products at such price; and
(d) State the vital need or needs that the owner or operator meets.
(3) In certifying a hospital as meeting local public health and safety needs the local government shall:
(a) Consider and find that the continued use of the underground storage tank by the hospital is necessary; and
(b) Consider and find that the hospital provides health care services to the poor and otherwise provides charity care.
(4) The director shall notify the governing body of the city, town, or county providing certification when financial assistance for a private owner or operator has been approved.
[1991 c 4 § 6.]
Notes: Severability -- 1991 c 4: See note following RCW 70.148.120.