(1) The youth tobacco prevention account is created in the state treasury. All fees collected pursuant to RCW 82.24.520 and 82.24.530 and funds collected by the liquor control board from the imposition of monetary penalties and samplers' fees shall be deposited into this account, except that ten percent of all such fees and penalties shall be deposited in the state general fund.
(2) Moneys appropriated from the youth tobacco prevention account to the department of health shall be used by the department of health for implementation of this chapter, including collection and reporting of data regarding enforcement and the extent to which access to tobacco products by youth has been reduced.
(3) The department of health shall enter into interagency agreements with the liquor control board to pay the costs incurred, up to thirty percent of available funds, in carrying out its enforcement responsibilities under this chapter. Such agreements shall set forth standards of enforcement, consistent with the funding available, so as to reduce the extent to which tobacco products are available to individuals under the age of eighteen. The agreements shall also set forth requirements for data reporting by the liquor control board regarding its enforcement activities.
(4) The department of health and the department of revenue shall enter into an interagency agreement for payment of the cost of administering the tobacco retailer licensing system and for the provision of quarterly documentation of tobacco wholesaler, retailer, and vending machine names and locations.
(5) The department of health shall, within up to seventy percent of available funds, provide grants to local health departments or other local community agencies to develop and implement coordinated tobacco intervention strategies to prevent and reduce tobacco use by youth.
[1993 c 507 § 13.]