(1) The department shall make or cause to be made a survey of all ambulatory surgical facilities every eighteen months. Every survey of an ambulatory surgical facility may include an inspection of every part of the surgical facility. The department may make an examination of all phases of the ambulatory surgical facility operation necessary to determine compliance with all applicable statutes, rules, and regulations. In the event that the department is unable to make a survey or cause a survey to be made during the three years of the term of the license, the license of the ambulatory surgical facility shall remain in effect until the state conducts a survey or a substitute survey is performed if the ambulatory surgical facility is in compliance with all other licensing requirements.
(2) An ambulatory surgical facility shall be deemed to have met the survey standards of this section if it submits proof of certification as a medicare ambulatory surgical facility or accreditation by an organization that the secretary has determined to have substantially equivalent survey standards to those of the department. A survey performed pursuant to medicare certification or by an approved accrediting organization may substitute for a survey by the department if:
(a) The ambulatory surgical facility has satisfactorily completed a survey by the department in the previous eighteen months; and
(b) Within thirty days of learning the result of a survey, the ambulatory surgical facility provides the department with documentary evidence that the ambulatory surgical facility has been certified or accredited as a result of a survey and the date of the survey.
(3) Ambulatory surgical facilities shall make the written reports of surveys conducted pursuant to medicare certification procedures or by an approved accrediting organization available to department surveyors during any department surveys, upon request.
[2007 c 273 § 11.]