(1) The secretary shall establish requirements and performance standards, consistent with any requirements or standards established by the United States department of health and human services, regarding the development and implementation of local pandemic flu preparedness and response plans.
(2) To the extent state or federal funds are provided for this purpose, by November 1, 2006, each local health jurisdiction shall develop a pandemic flu preparedness and response plan, consistent with requirements and performance standards established in subsection (1) of this section, for the purpose of:
(a) Defining preparedness activities that should be undertaken before a pandemic occurs that will enhance the effectiveness of response measures;
(b) Describing the response, coordination, and decision-making structure that will incorporate the local health jurisdiction, the local health care system, other local response agencies, and state and federal agencies during the pandemic;
(c) Defining the roles and responsibilities for the local health jurisdiction, local health care partners, and local response agencies during all phases of a pandemic;
(d) Describing public health interventions in a pandemic response and the timing of such interventions;
(e) Serving as a guide for local health care system partners, response agencies, and businesses in the development of pandemic influenza response plans; and
(f) Providing technical support and information on which preparedness and response actions are based.
Each plan shall be developed based on an assessment by the local health jurisdiction of its current capacity to respond to pandemic flu and otherwise meet department outcome measures related to infectious disease outbreaks of statewide significance.
[2006 c 63 § 3.]