Under the direction and control of the state registrar, the health officer of each city of the first class shall be the local registrar in and for the primary registration district under his supervision as health officer and the health officer of each county and district health department shall be the local registrar in and for the registration area which he supervises as health officer and shall serve as such as long as he performs the registration duties as prescribed by law. He may be removed as local registrar of the registration area which he serves by the state board of health upon its finding of evidence of neglect in the performance of his duties as such registrar. The state registrar shall appoint local registrars for those registration areas not included in the foregoing and also in areas where the state board of health has removed the health officer from this position as registrar.
Each local registrar, subject to the approval of the state registrar, shall appoint in writing a sufficient number of deputy registrars to administer the laws relating to vital statistics, and shall certify the appointment of such deputies to the state registrar. Deputy registrars shall act in the case of absence, death, illness or disability of the local registrar, or such other conditions as may be deemed sufficient cause to require their services.
[1979 ex.s. c 52 § 3; 1961 ex.s. c 5 § 5; 1951 c 106 § 5; 1915 c 180 § 2; 1907 c 83 § 3; RRS § 6020.]
Notes:Director of combined city-county health department as registrar: RCW 70.08.060.