The department shall in addition to its other duties and powers under this chapter:
(1) Prepare the following:
(a) A management system for recycling waste paper generated by state offices and institutions in cooperation with such offices and institutions;
(b) An evaluation of existing and potential systems for recovery of energy and materials from solid waste with recommendations to affected governmental agencies as to those systems which would be the most appropriate for implementation;
(c) A data management system to evaluate and assist the progress of state and local jurisdictions and private industry in resource recovery;
(d) Identification of potential markets, in cooperation with private industry, for recovered resources and the impact of the distribution of such resources on existing markets;
(e) Studies on methods of transportation, collection, reduction, separation, and packaging which will encourage more efficient utilization of existing waste recovery facilities;
(f) Recommendations on incentives, including state grants, loans, and other assistance, to local governments which will encourage the recovery and recycling of solid wastes.
(2) Provide technical information and assistance to state and local jurisdictions, the public, and private industry on solid waste recovery and/or recycling.
(3) Procure and expend funds available from federal agencies and other sources to assist the implementation by local governments of solid waste recovery and/or recycling programs, and projects.
(4) Conduct necessary research and studies to carry out the purposes of this chapter.
(5) Encourage and assist local governments and private industry to develop pilot solid waste recovery and/or recycling projects.
(6) Monitor, assist with research, and collect data for use in assessing feasibility for others to develop solid waste recovery and/or recycling projects.
[1998 c 245 § 131; 1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 41 § 5.]