Hazardous waste generators and hazardous substance users required to prepare plans under RCW 70.95C.200 shall pay an annual fee to support implementation of RCW 70.95C.200 and 70.95C.040. These fees are to be used by the department, subject to appropriation, for plan review, technical assistance to facilities that are required to prepare plans, other activities related to plan development and implementation, and associated indirect costs. The total fees collected under this subsection shall not exceed the department's costs of implementing RCW 70.95C.200 and 70.95C.040 and shall not exceed one million dollars per year. The annual fee for a facility shall not exceed ten thousand dollars per year. Any facility that generates less than two thousand six hundred forty pounds of hazardous waste per waste generation site in the previous calendar year shall be exempt from the fee imposed by this section. The annual fee for a facility generating at least two thousand six hundred forty pounds but not more than four thousand pounds of hazardous waste per waste generation site in the previous calendar year shall not exceed fifty dollars. A person that develops a plan covering more than one interrelated facility as provided for in RCW 70.95C.200 shall be assessed fees only for the number of plans prepared. The department shall adopt a fee schedule by rule after consultation with typical affected businesses and other interested parties. Hazardous waste generated and recycled for beneficial use, including initial amount of hazardous substances introduced into a process and subsequently recycled for beneficial use, shall not be used in the calculations of hazardous waste generated for purposes of this section.
The annual fee imposed by this section shall be first due on July 1 of the year prior to the year that the facility is required to prepare a plan, and by July 1 of each year thereafter.
[1994 c 136 § 3; 1990 c 114 § 13.]