(1) Each local government and its local hazardous waste plan under RCW 70.105.220 is required to include a used oil recycling element. This element shall include:
(a) A plan to reach the local goals for household used oil recycling established by the local government and the department under RCW 70.95I.030. The plan shall, to the maximum extent possible, incorporate voluntary agreements with the private sector and state agencies to provide sites for the collection of used oil. Where provided, the plan shall also incorporate residential collection of used oil;
(b) A plan for enforcing the sign and container ordinances required by RCW 70.95I.040;
(c) A plan for public education on used oil recycling; and
(d) An estimate of funding needed to implement the requirements of this chapter. This estimate shall include a budget reserve for disposal of contaminated oil detected at any public used oil collection site administered by the local government.
(2) By July 1, 1993, each local government or combination of contiguous local governments shall submit its used oil recycling element to the department. The department shall approve or disapprove the used oil recycling element by January 1, 1994, or within ninety days of submission, whichever is later. The department shall approve or disapprove the used oil recycling element if it determines that the element is consistent with this chapter and the guidelines developed by the department under RCW 70.95I.030.
(3) Each local government, or combination of contiguous local governments, shall submit an annual statement to the department describing the number of used oil collection sites and the quantity of household used oil recycled for the jurisdiction during the previous calendar year. The first statement shall be due April 1, 1994. Subsequent statements shall be due April 1st of each year.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to require a city or county to construct or operate a public used oil collection site.
[1991 c 319 § 303.]