(1) By July 1, 1992, the department shall, in consultation with local governments, prepare guidelines for the used oil recycling elements required by RCW 70.95I.020. The guidelines shall:
(a) Require development of local collection and rerefining goals for household used oil for each entity preparing a used oil recycling element under RCW 70.95I.020;
(b) Require local government to recommend the number of used oil collection sites needed to meet the local goals. The department shall establish criteria regarding minimum levels of used oil collection sites;
(c) Require local government to identify locations suitable as public used oil collection sites as described under RCW 70.95I.020(1)(a).
(2) The department may waive all or part of the specific requirements of RCW 70.95I.020 if a local government demonstrates to the satisfaction of the department that the objectives of this chapter have been met.
(3) The department may prepare and implement a used oil recycling plan for any local government failing to complete the used oil recycling element of the plan.
(4) The department shall develop statewide collection and rerefining goals for household used oil for each calendar year beginning with calendar year 1994. Goals shall be based on the estimated statewide collection and rerefining rate for calendar year 1993, and shall increase each year until calendar year 1996, when the rate shall be eighty percent.
(5) By July 1, 1993, the department shall prepare guidelines establishing statewide equipment and operating standards for public used oil collection sites. Standards shall:
(a) Allow the use of used oil collection igloos and other types of portable used oil collection tanks;
(b) Prohibit the disposal of nonhousehold-generated used oil;
(c) Limit the amount of used oil deposited to five gallons per household per day;
(d) Ensure adequate protection against leaks and spills; and
(e) Include other requirements deemed appropriate by the department.
[1991 c 319 § 304.]