To qualify as a designated crisis responder, a person must have received chemical dependency training as determined by the department and be a:
(1) Psychiatrist, psychologist, psychiatric nurse, or social worker;
(2) Person with a master's degree or further advanced degree in counseling or one of the social sciences from an accredited college or university and who have, in addition, at least two years of experience in direct treatment of persons with mental illness or emotional disturbance, such experience gained under the direction of a mental health professional;
(3) Person who meets the waiver criteria of RCW 71.24.260, which waiver was granted before 1986;
(4) Person who had an approved waiver to perform the duties of a mental health professional that was requested by the regional support network and granted by the department before July 1, 2001; or
(5) Person who has been granted a time-limited exception of the minimum requirements of a mental health professional by the department consistent with rules adopted by the secretary.
[2005 c 504 § 204.]
Notes: Findings -- Intent -- Severability -- Application -- Construction -- Captions, part headings, subheadings not law -- Adoption of rules -- Effective dates -- 2005 c 504: See notes following RCW 71.05.027.
Alphabetization -- Correction of references -- 2005 c 504: See note following RCW 71.05.020.