(1) Prior to receiving services through the community protection program, a person must first receive an assessment of risk and/or dangerousness by a qualified professional. The assessment must be consistent with the guidelines for risk assessments and psychosexual evaluations developed by the department. The person requesting services and the person's legal representative have the right to choose the qualified professional who will perform the assessment from a list of state contracted qualified professionals. The assessment must contain, at a minimum, a determination by the qualified professional whether the person can be managed successfully in the community with reasonably available safeguards and that lesser restrictive residential placement alternatives have been considered and would not be reasonable for the person seeking services. The department may request an additional evaluation by a qualified professional evaluator who is contracted with the state.
(2) Any person being considered for placement in the community protection program and his or her legal representative must be informed in writing of the following: (a) Limitations regarding the services that will be available due to the person's community protection issues; (b) disclosure requirements as a condition of receiving services other than case management; (c) the requirement to engage in therapeutic treatment may be a condition of receiving certain services; (d) anticipated restrictions that may be provided including, but not limited to intensive supervision, limited access to television viewing, reading material, videos; (e) the right to accept or decline services; (f) the anticipated consequences of declining services such as the loss of existing services and removal from waiver services; (g) the right to an administrative fair hearing in accordance with department and division policy; (h) the requirement to sign a preplacement agreement as a condition of receiving community protection intensive supported living services; (i) the right to retain current services during the pendency of any challenge to the department's decision; (j) the right to refuse to participate in the program.
(3)(a) If the department determines that a person is appropriate for placement in the community protection program, the individual and his or her legal representative shall receive in writing a determination by the department that the person meets the criteria for placement within the community protection program.
(b) If the department determines that a person cannot be managed successfully in the community protection program with reasonably available safeguards, the department must notify the person and his or her legal representative in writing.
[2006 c 303 § 4.]