In order for the developmental disability board to plan, coordinate, and provide required services for persons with developmental disabilities, the county governing authority and the board shall be eligible to obtain such confidential information from public or private schools and the department as is necessary to accomplish the purposes of this chapter. Such information shall be kept in accordance with state law and rules promulgated by the secretary under chapter 34.05 RCW to permit the use of the information to coordinate and plan services. All persons permitted to have access to or to use such information shall sign an oath of confidentiality, substantially as follows:
"As a condition of obtaining information from (fill in facility, agency, or person) I, . . . . . ., agree not to divulge, publish, or otherwise make known to unauthorized persons or the public any information obtained in the course of using such confidential information, where release of such information may possibly make the person who received such services identifiable. I recognize that unauthorized release of confidential information may subject me to civil liability under state law."
[1988 c 176 § 307.]