When improvements are to be made under contract, notice of the call for the same shall be published in at least two newspapers of general circulation in the state for two weeks prior to the award being made. The contract shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. The secretary is authorized to require such security as he may deem proper to accompany the bids submitted, and shall also fix the amount of the bond or other security that shall be furnished by the person or firm to whom the contract is awarded. The secretary shall have the power to reject any or all bids submitted, if for any reason it is deemed for the best interest of the state to do so, and to readvertise in accordance with the provisions hereof. The secretary shall also have the power to reject the bid of any person or firm who has had a prior contract, and who did not, in the opinion of the secretary, faithfully comply with the same.
[1979 c 141 § 148; 1959 c 28 § 72.01.120. Prior: 1901 c 119 § 10, part; RRS § 10906.]