(1) It is the intent of the legislature to improve the quality of service at state hospitals, eliminate overcrowding, and more specifically define the role of the state hospitals. The legislature intends that eastern and western state hospitals shall become clinical centers for handling the most complicated long-term care needs of patients with a primary diagnosis of mental disorder. To this end, the legislature intends that funds appropriated for mental health programs, including funds for regional support networks and the state hospitals be used for persons with primary diagnosis of mental disorder. The legislature finds that establishment of the eastern state hospital board, the western state hospital board, and institutes for the study and treatment of mental disorders at both eastern state hospital and western state hospital will be instrumental in implementing the legislative intent.
(2)(a) The eastern state hospital board and the western state hospital board are each established. Members of the boards shall be appointed by the governor with the consent of the senate. Each board shall include:
(i) The director of the institute for the study and treatment of mental disorders established at the hospital;
(ii) One family member of a current or recent hospital resident;
(iii) One consumer of services;
(iv) One community mental health service provider;
(v) Two citizens with no financial or professional interest in mental health services;
(vi) One representative of the regional support network in which the hospital is located;
(vii) One representative from the staff who is a physician;
(viii) One representative from the nursing staff;
(ix) One representative from the other professional staff;
(x) One representative from the nonprofessional staff; and
(xi) One representative of a minority community.
(b) At least one representative listed in (a)(viii), (ix), or (x) of this subsection shall be a union member.
(c) Members shall serve four-year terms. Members of the board shall be reimbursed for travel expenses as provided in RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060 and shall receive compensation as provided in RCW 43.03.240.
(3) The boards established under this section shall:
(a) Monitor the operation and activities of the hospital;
(b) Review and advise on the hospital budget;
(c) Make recommendations to the governor and the legislature for improving the quality of service provided by the hospital;
(d) Monitor and review the activities of the hospital in implementing the intent of the legislature set forth in this section; and
(e) Consult with the secretary regarding persons the secretary may select as the superintendent of the hospital whenever a vacancy occurs.
(4)(a) There is established at eastern state hospital and western state hospital, institutes for the study and treatment of mental disorders. The institutes shall be operated by joint operating agreements between state colleges and universities and the department of social and health services. The institutes are intended to conduct training, research, and clinical program development activities that will directly benefit mentally ill persons receiving treatment in Washington state by performing the following activities:
(i) Promote recruitment and retention of highly qualified professionals at the state hospitals and community mental health programs;
(ii) Improve clinical care by exploring new, innovative, and scientifically based treatment models for persons presenting particularly difficult and complicated clinical syndromes;
(iii) Provide expanded training opportunities for existing staff at the state hospitals and community mental health programs;
(iv) Promote bilateral understanding of treatment orientation, possibilities, and challenges between state hospital professionals and community mental health professionals.
(b) To accomplish these purposes the institutes may, within funds appropriated for this purpose:
(i) Enter joint operating agreements with state universities or other institutions of higher education to accomplish the placement and training of students and faculty in psychiatry, psychology, social work, occupational therapy, nursing, and other relevant professions at the state hospitals and community mental health programs;
(ii) Design and implement clinical research projects to improve the quality and effectiveness of state hospital services and operations;
(iii) Enter into agreements with community mental health service providers to accomplish the exchange of professional staff between the state hospitals and community mental health service providers;
(iv) Establish a student loan forgiveness and conditional scholarship program to retain qualified professionals at the state hospitals and community mental health providers when the secretary has determined a shortage of such professionals exists.
(c) Notwithstanding any other provisions of law to the contrary, the institutes may enter into agreements with the department or the state hospitals which may involve changes in staffing necessary to implement improved patient care programs contemplated by this section.
(d) The institutes are authorized to seek and accept public or private gifts, grants, contracts, or donations to accomplish their purposes under this section.
[2006 c 333 § 204; 1998 c 245 § 141; 1992 c 230 § 1; 1989 c 205 § 21.]
Notes: Finding -- Purpose -- Intent -- Severability -- Part headings not law -- Effective dates -- 2006 c 333: See notes following RCW 71.24.016.
Intent -- 1992 c 230: "It is the intent of this act to:
(1) Focus, restate, and emphasize the legislature's commitment to the mental health reform embodied in chapter 111 [205], Laws of 1989 (SB 5400);
(2) Eliminate, or schedule for repeal, statutes that are no longer relevant to the regulation of the state's mental health program; and
(3) Reaffirm the state's commitment to provide incentives that reduce reliance on inappropriate state hospital or other inpatient care." [1992 c 230 § 3.]
Evaluation of transition to regional systems -- 1989 c 205: See note following RCW 71.24.015.