There shall be established and maintained in this state a branch of the state soldiers' home, under the name of the "Washington veterans' home," which branch shall be a home for honorably discharged veterans who have served the United States government in any of its wars, members of the state militia disabled while in the line of duty, and who are bona fide citizens of the state, and also the spouses or domestic partners of such veterans.
[2008 c 6 § 506; 1977 ex.s. c 186 § 4; 1959 c 28 § 72.36.070. Prior: 1907 c 156 § 1; RRS § 10733.]
Notes: Part headings not law -- Severability -- 2008 c 6: See RCW 26.60.900 and 26.60.901.
Severability -- 1977 ex.s. c 186: See note following RCW 72.36.030.