(1) The department of fish and wildlife shall provide professional assistance from biologists, fish culturists, pathologists, engineers, habitat managers, and other departmental staff to assist the development and productivity of prison work programs under RCW 72.63.020, upon agreement with the department of corrections.
(2) The department of fish and wildlife shall identify and describe potential and pilot projects that are compatible with the goals of the various departments involved and that are particularly suitable for prison work programs.
(3) The department of fish and wildlife may make available surplus hatchery rearing space, net pens, egg boxes, portable rearing containers, incubators, and any other departmental facilities or property that are available for loan to the department of corrections to carry out prison work programs under RCW 72.63.020.
(4) The department of fish and wildlife shall provide live fish eggs, bird eggs, juvenile fish, game animals, or other appropriate seed stock, juveniles, or brood stock of acceptable disease history and genetic composition for the prison work projects at no cost to the department of corrections, to the extent that such resources are available. Fish food, bird food, or animal food may be provided by the department of fish and wildlife to the extent that funding is available.
(5) The department of natural resources shall assist in the implementation of the program where project sites are located on public beaches or state owned aquatic lands.
[1994 c 264 § 44; 1988 c 36 § 30; 1985 c 286 § 3.]