(1) Effective January 1, 2011, a biological, step, or adoptive parent who is the individual provider only for his or her developmentally disabled son or daughter must receive twelve hours of training relevant to the needs of adults with developmental disabilities within the first one hundred twenty days of becoming an individual provider.
(2) Effective January 1, 2011, individual providers identified in (a) and (b) of this subsection must complete thirty-five hours of training within the first one hundred twenty days of becoming an individual provider. Five of the thirty-five hours must be completed before becoming eligible to provide care. Two of these five hours shall be devoted to an orientation training regarding an individual provider's role as caregiver and the applicable terms of employment, and three hours shall be devoted to safety training, including basic safety precautions, emergency procedures, and infection control. Individual providers subject to this requirement include:
(a) An individual provider caring only for his or her biological, step, or adoptive child or parent unless covered by subsection (1) of this section; and
(b) Before January 1, 2014, a person hired as an individual provider who provides twenty hours or less of care for one person in any calendar month.
(3) Only training curriculum approved by the department may be used to fulfill the training requirements specified in this section. The department shall only approve training curriculum that:
(a) Has been developed with input from consumer and worker representatives; and
(b) Requires comprehensive instruction by qualified instructors.
(4) The department shall adopt rules by August 1, 2010, to implement this section.
[2009 c 580 § 11; 2009 c 2 § 8 (Initiative Measure No. 1029, approved November 4, 2008).]
Notes: Intent -- Findings -- Construction -- Severability -- Short title -- 2009 c 2 (Initiative Measure No. 1029): See notes following RCW 18.88B.020.