(1) Upon satisfaction of the applicable conditions set forth in RCW 74.60.150(1) and for services rendered on or after February 1, 2010, the department shall increase the medicaid inpatient and outpatient fee-for-service hospital reimbursement rates in effect on June 30, 2009, by the percentages specified below:
(a) Prospective payment system hospitals:
(i) Inpatient psychiatric services: Thirteen percent;
(ii) Inpatient services: Thirteen percent;
(iii) Outpatient services: Thirty-six and eighty-three one-hundredths percent.
(b) Harborview medical center and University of Washington medical center:
(i) Inpatient psychiatric services: Three percent;
(ii) Inpatient services: Three percent;
(iii) Outpatient services: Twenty-one percent.
(c) Rehabilitation hospitals:
(i) Inpatient services: Thirteen percent;
(ii) Outpatient services: Thirty-six and eighty-three one-hundredths percent.
(d) Psychiatric hospitals:
(i) Inpatient psychiatric services: Thirteen percent;
(ii) Inpatient services: Thirteen percent.
(2) For claims processed for services rendered on or after February 1, 2010, but prior to satisfaction of the applicable conditions specified in RCW 74.60.150(1), the department shall, within sixty calendar days after satisfaction of those conditions, calculate the amount payable to hospitals in accordance with this section and remit the difference to each hospital that has submitted an otherwise allowable claim for payment for such services.
(3) By December 1, 2012, the department will submit a study to the legislature with recommendations on the amount of the assessments necessary to continue to support hospital payments for the 2013-2015 biennium. The evaluation will assess medicaid hospital payments relative to medicaid hospital costs. The study should address current federal law, including any changes on scope of medicaid coverage, provisions related to provider taxes, and impacts of federal health care reform legislation. The study should also address the state's economic forecast. Based on the forecast, the department should recommend the amount of assessment needed to support future hospital payments and the departmental administrative expenses. Recommendations should be developed with the fiscal committees of the legislature, office of financial management, and the Washington state hospital association.
[2010 1st sp.s. c 30 § 10.]