(1) The assessment, collection, and disbursement of funds under this chapter shall be conditional upon:
(a) Withdrawal of those aspects of any pending state plan amendments previously submitted to the centers for medicare and medicaid services that are inconsistent with this chapter, specifically any pending state plan amendment related to the four percent rate reductions for inpatient and outpatient hospital rates and elimination of the small rural disproportionate share hospital payment program as implemented July 1, 2009;
(b) Approval by the centers for medicare and medicaid services of any state plan amendments or waiver requests that are necessary in order to implement the applicable sections of this chapter;
(c) To the extent necessary, amendment of contracts between the department and managed care organizations in order to implement this chapter; and
(d) Certification by the office of financial management that appropriations have been adopted that fully support the rates established in this chapter for the upcoming fiscal year.
(2) This chapter does not take effect or ceases to be imposed, and any moneys remaining in the fund shall be refunded to hospitals in proportion to the amounts paid by such hospitals, if and to the extent that:
(a) An appellate court or the centers for medicare and medicaid services makes a final determination that any element of this chapter, other than RCW 74.60.100, cannot be validly implemented;
(b) Medicaid inpatient or outpatient reimbursement rates for hospitals are reduced below the combined rates established by RCW 74.60.080 and 74.60.090;
(c) Except for payments to the University of Washington medical center and harborview medical center, payments to hospitals required under RCW 74.60.080, 74.60.090, 74.60.110, and 74.60.120 are not eligible for federal matching funds;
(d) Other funding available for the medicaid program is not sufficient to maintain medicaid inpatient and outpatient reimbursement rates at the levels set in RCW 74.60.080, 74.60.090, and 74.60.110; or
(e) The fund is used as a substitute for or to supplant other funds, except as authorized by RCW 74.60.020(3)(e).
[2010 1st sp.s. c 30 § 17.]