74.08 - Eligibility generally — standards of assistance
74.08.010 Definitions.
[1957 c 63 § 1; 1953 c 174 § 17; 1951 c 122 § 1; 1951 c 1 § 3; 1949 c 6 § 3; Rem. Supp. 1949 § 9998-33c.]
Now codified in RCW 74.04.005.
74.08.020 Exempt "home," "personal property and belongings" defined.
[1951 c 1 § 4.]
Repealed by 1953 c 174 § 52.
74.08.040 Amount of grant — Standards of assistance.
[1959 c 26 § 74.08.040. Prior: 1957 c 63 § 2; 1953 c 174 § 18; 1951 c 1 § 6; 1949 c 6 § 5; Rem. Supp. 1949 § 9998-33e.]
Repealed by 1981 1st ex.s. c 6 § 28, effective July 1, 1981.
74.08.041 Schedules for family assistance grants.
[1981 1st ex.s. c 6 § 10.]
Repealed by 1981 2nd ex.s. c 10 § 7. Later enactment, see RCW 74.04.770.
74.08.042 Schedule for energy allowance.
[1981 1st ex.s. c 6 § 11.]
Repealed by 1982 c 127 § 3, effective April 1, 1982. Later enactment, see RCW 74.08.046.
74.08.047 General assistance for persons attending high school or vocational or technical institution.
[1973 1st ex.s. c 35 § 1.]
Repealed by 1981 1st ex.s. c 6 § 28, effective July 1, 1981.
74.08.048 Grants to be on uniform statewide basis.
[1973 1st ex.s. c 35 § 2.]
Repealed by 1981 1st ex.s. c 6 § 28, effective July 1, 1981.
74.08.070 Fair hearing on grievances — Procedure — Transcript provided for judicial review.
[1981 1st ex.s. c 6 § 14; 1981 c 67 § 34; 1979 ex.s. c 92 § 1; 1979 c 141 § 324; 1969 ex.s. c 172 § 1; 1959 c 26 § 74.08.070. Prior: 1953 c 174 § 30; 1949 c 6 § 8; Rem. Supp. 1949 § 9998-33h.]
Repealed by 1989 c 175 § 185, effective July 1, 1989.
74.08.110 Grants not recoverable as debt due state except in certain circumstances.
[1949 c 6 § 12; Rem. Supp. 1949 § 9998-33l.]
Repealed by 1953 c 174 § 52.
74.08.111 Recovery of public assistance payments.
[1953 c 174 § 36.]
Repealed by 1957 c 63 § 11.
74.08.112 Old age assistance grants not recoverable as debt due state — Exceptions.
[1959 c 26 § 74.08.112. Prior: 1957 c 63 § 4.]
Repealed by 1981 1st ex.s. c 6 § 28, effective July 1, 1981.
74.08.120 Funeral, transportation, and disposition expenses.
[1992 c 108 § 2; 1987 c 75 § 39; 1981 1st ex.s. c 6 § 15; 1981 c 8 § 12; 1979 c 141 § 326; 1969 ex.s. c 259 § 1; 1969 ex.s. c 159 § 1; 1965 ex.s. c 102 § 1; 1959 c 26 § 74.08.120. Prior: 1953 c 174 § 32; 1949 c 6 § 13; Rem. Supp. 1949 § 9998-33m.]
Repealed by 1997 c 58 § 1002.
74.08.125 Funeral, transportation, and disposition costs — Family assets considered.
[1993 c 22 § 1; 1992 c 108 § 3.]
Repealed by 1997 c 58 § 1002.
74.08.130 Copy of law to be furnished.
[1949 c 6 § 14; Rem. Supp. 1949 § 9998-33n.]
Repealed by 1953 c 174 § 52.
74.08.140 through 74.08.200 Medical service.
[1951 c 1 § 7; 1949 c 6 § 15.]
Repealed by 1953 ex.s. c 5 § 15.
74.08.220 Penalty.
[1941 c 1 § 17; Rem. Supp. 1941 § 9998-50.]
Repealed by 1953 c 174 § 52.
74.08.230 Staff and employees.
[1941 c 1 § 19; Rem. Supp. 1941 § 9998-52.]
Repealed by 1953 c 174 § 52.
74.08.240 Records confidential.
[1941 c 1 § 20; Rem. Supp. 1941 § 9998-53.]
Repealed by 1953 c 174 § 52.
74.08.250 Provisions applicable to other public assistance categories.
[1951 c 1 § 8; 1949 c 6 § 16; Rem. Supp. 1949 § 9998-33p.]
Repealed by 1953 c 174 § 52.
74.08.270 Legislature to appropriate funds — Old age appropriations to be earmarked.
[1959 c 26 § 74.08.270. Prior: 1957 c 63 § 5; 1951 c 1 § 9; 1949 c 6 § 19; Rem. Supp. 1949 § 9998-33s.]
Repealed by 1965 ex.s. c 2 § 2.
74.08.274 Ratable reductions — Computation.
[1951 c 274 § 1.]
Repealed by 1957 c 63 § 11.
74.08.275 Ratable reductions — Modification if in conflict with federal act.
[1951 c 274 § 2.]
Repealed by 1957 c 63 § 11.
74.08.295 Assistance from more than one federal aid category prohibited — Exception.
[1959 c 26 § 74.08.295. Prior: 1953 c 174 § 29.]
Repealed by 1963 c 211 § 6; and repealed by 1963 c 228 § 31.
74.08.300 Possession of property, etc. — Duty to notify — Deduction — Recovery.
[1953 c 174 § 34; 1935 c 182 § 13; RRS § 9998-13.]
Repealed by 1957 c 63 § 11.
74.08.310 Cancellation of aid improperly granted.
[1935 c 182 § 14; RRS § 9998-14.]
Repealed by 1953 c 174 § 52.
74.08.320 Reconsideration of grants — Cancellation — Suspension.
[1935 c 182 § 15; RRS § 9998-15.]
Repealed by 1953 c 174 § 52.
74.08.330 Fraud — Assistance procurement — Real property disposal — Penalty.
[1959 c 26 § 74.08.330. Prior: 1953 c 174 § 41; 1951 2nd ex.s. c 17 § 1; 1935 c 182 § 20; RRS § 9998-20.]
Repealed by 1965 ex.s. c 34 § 2.
74.08.350 Other aid not barred by age.
[1935 c 182 § 22; RRS § 9998-22.]
Repealed by 1953 c 174 § 52.
74.08.360 Branch offices, agencies.
[1937 c 156 § 11; 1935 c 182 § 23; RRS § 9998-23.]
Repealed by 1953 c 174 § 52.
74.08.375 Deposit of federal aid for old age assistance moneys.
[1959 c 26 § 74.08.375. Prior: 1935 c 182 § 25; RRS § 9998-25. Formerly RCW 74.08.370, part.]
Repealed by 1979 ex.s. c 67 § 18.
74.08.390 through 74.08.520 Medical services.
[1953 ex.s. c 5.]
Repealed by 1955 c 273 § 20.
74.08.530 Chore services — Legislative finding, intent.
[1980 c 137 § 1; 1973 1st ex.s. c 51 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 74.39A.100 pursuant to 1995 1st sp.s. c 18 § 34, effective July 1, 1995.
74.08.540 Homemaker-home health, chore, and personal and household services — Definitions — Purpose — Eligible persons.
[1981 c 8 § 13; 1973 1st ex.s. c 51 § 2.]
Repealed by 1981 1st ex.s. c 6 § 28, effective July 1, 1981. Later enactment, see RCW 74.08.541.
74.08.541 Definitions — Chore services — Eligibility.
[1989 c 427 § 4; 1986 c 222 § 1; 1983 1st ex.s. c 41 § 39; 1981 1st ex.s. c 6 § 17.]
Repealed by 1995 1st sp.s. c 18 § 35, effective July 1, 1995.
74.08.545 Chore services — Legislative policy and intent regarding available funds — Levels of service.
[1995 1st sp.s. c 18 § 36; 1989 c 427 § 5; 1981 1st ex.s. c 6 § 16.]
Recodified as RCW 74.39A.110 pursuant to 1995 1st sp.s. c 18 § 34, effective July 1, 1995.
74.08.550 Chore services — Department to develop program.
[1995 1st sp.s. c 18 § 40; 1989 c 427 § 6; 1983 c 3 § 189; 1980 c 137 § 2; 1973 1st ex.s. c 51 § 3.]
Recodified as RCW 74.39A.130 pursuant to 1995 1st sp.s. c 18 § 34, effective July 1, 1995.
74.08.560 Chore services — Employment of public assistance recipients.
[1983 c 3 § 190; 1973 1st ex.s. c 51 § 4.]
Recodified as RCW 74.39A.140 pursuant to 1995 1st sp.s. c 18 § 34, effective July 1, 1995.
74.08.570 Chore services for disabled persons — Eligibility.
[1995 1st sp.s. c 18 § 41; 1989 c 427 § 7; 1980 c 137 § 3.]
Recodified as RCW 74.39A.150 pursuant to 1995 1st sp.s. c 18 § 34, effective July 1, 1995.
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