If the department of ecology determines that a person has failed to comply with the forest practices regulations relating to water quality protection, and that the department of natural resources has not issued a stop work order or notice to comply, the department of ecology shall inform the department thereof. If the department of natural resources fails to take authorized enforcement action within twenty-four hours under RCW 76.09.080, 76.09.090, 76.09.120, or 76.09.130, the department of ecology may petition to the chairman of the appeals board, who shall, within forty-eight hours, either deny the petition or direct the department of natural resources to immediately issue a stop work order or notice to comply, or to impose a penalty. No civil or criminal penalties shall be imposed for past actions or omissions if such actions or omissions were conducted pursuant to an approval or directive of the department of natural resources.
[1975 1st ex.s. c 200 § 7; 1974 ex.s. c 137 § 10.]