(1) Unless otherwise provided in this title, fish, shellfish, or wildlife unlawfully taken or possessed, or involved in a violation shall be forfeited to the state upon conviction. Unless already held by, sold, destroyed, or disposed of by the department, the court shall order such fish or wildlife to be delivered to the department. Where delay will cause loss to the value of the property and a ready wholesale buying market exists, the department may sell property to a wholesale buyer at a fair market value.
(2) When seized property is forfeited to the department, the department may retain it for official use unless the property is required to be destroyed, or upon application by any law enforcement agency of the state, release the property to the agency for the use of enforcing this title, or sell such property and deposit the proceeds into the fish and wildlife enforcement reward account established under RCW 77.15.425. Any sale of other property shall be at public auction or after public advertisement reasonably designed to obtain the highest price. The time, place, and manner of holding the sale shall be determined by the director. The director may contract for the sale to be through the department of general administration as state surplus property, or, except where not justifiable by the value of the property, the director shall publish notice of the sale once a week for at least two consecutive weeks before the sale in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the sale is to be held.
[2009 c 333 § 39; 2000 c 107 § 235; 1998 c 190 § 63.]