(1) A person is guilty of unlawful use of a prohibited aquatic animal species if he or she possesses, imports, purchases, sells, propagates, transports, or releases a prohibited aquatic animal species within the state, except as provided in this section.
(2) Unless otherwise prohibited by law, a person may:
(a) Transport prohibited aquatic animal species to the department, or to another destination designated by the director, in a manner designated by the director, for purposes of identifying a species or reporting the presence of a species;
(b) Possess a prohibited aquatic animal species if he or she is in the process of removing it from watercraft or equipment in a manner specified by the department;
(c) Release a prohibited aquatic animal species if the species was caught while fishing and it is being immediately returned to the water from which it came; or
(d) Possess, transport, or release a prohibited aquatic animal species as the commission may otherwise prescribe.
(3) Unlawful use of a prohibited aquatic animal species is a gross misdemeanor. A subsequent violation of subsection (1) of this section within five years is a class C felony.
(4) A person is guilty of unlawful release of a regulated aquatic animal species if he or she releases a regulated aquatic animal species into state waters, unless allowed by the commission.
(5) Unlawful release of a regulated aquatic animal species is a gross misdemeanor.
(6) A person is guilty of unlawful release of an unlisted aquatic animal species if he or she releases an unlisted aquatic animal species into state waters without requesting a commission designation under RCW 77.12.020.
(7) Unlawful release of an unlisted aquatic animal species is a gross misdemeanor.
(8) This section does not apply to:
(a) The transportation or release of organisms in ballast water;
(b) A person stopped at an aquatic invasive species check station who possesses a recreational or commercial watercraft that is contaminated with an aquatic invasive species, if that person complies with all department directives for the proper decontamination of the watercraft and equipment; or
(c) A person who has voluntarily submitted a recreational or commercial watercraft for inspection by the department and has received a receipt verifying that the watercraft has not been contaminated since its last use.
[2007 c 350 § 5; 2002 c 281 § 4.]
Notes: Purpose -- 2002 c 281: See note following RCW 77.08.010.