(1) This section establishes commercial fishery licenses required for shellfish fisheries and the annual fees for those licenses. The director may issue a limited-entry commercial fishery license only to a person who meets the qualifications established in applicable governing sections of this title.
Fishery Annual Fee Vessel Limited (Governing section(s)) Resident Nonresident Required? Entry? (a) Burrowing shrimp $185 $295 Yes No (b) Crab ring net- $130 $185 Yes No Non-Puget Sound (c) Crab ring net- $130 $185 Yes No Puget Sound (d) Dungeness crab-coastal (RCW 77.70.280) $295 $520 Yes Yes (e) Dungeness crab- $295 $520 Yes Yes coastal, class B (RCW 77.70.280) (f) Dungeness crab- $130 $185 Yes Yes Puget Sound (RCW 77.70.110) (g) Emerging commercial fishery (RCW 77.70.160 and 77.65.400) $185 $295 Determined Determined by rule by rule (h) Geoduck (RCW $ 0 $ 0 Yes Yes 77.70.220) (i) Hardshell clam $530 $985 Yes No mechanical
harvester (RCW 77.65.250) (j) Oyster reserve $130 $185 No No (RCW 77.65.260) (k) Razor clam $130 $185 No No (l) Sea cucumber dive $130 $185 Yes Yes (RCW 77.70.190) (m) Sea urchin dive $130 $185 Yes Yes (RCW 77.70.150) (n) Shellfish dive $130 $185 Yes No (o) Shellfish pot $130 $185 Yes No (p) Shrimp pot- $185 $295 Yes Yes Puget Sound (RCW 77.70.410) (q) Shrimp trawl- $240 $405 Yes No Non-Puget Sound (r) Shrimp trawl- $185 $295 Yes Yes Puget Sound (RCW 77.70.420) (s) Squid $185 $295 Yes No
(2) The director may by rule determine the species of shellfish that may be taken with the commercial fishery licenses established in this section, the gear that may be used with the licenses, and the areas or waters in which the licenses may be used. Where a fishery license has been established for a particular species, gear, geographical area, or combination thereof, a more general fishery license may not be used to take shellfish in that fishery.
[2000 c 107 § 43; 1999 c 239 § 2; 1994 c 260 § 14; 1993 sp.s. c 17 § 40; (1993 c 340 § 17 repealed by 1993 sp.s. c 17 § 47); 1989 c 316 § 8; 1983 1st ex.s. c 46 § 120; 1977 ex.s. c 327 § 6; 1971 ex.s. c 283 § 7; 1965 ex.s. c 73 § 4; 1959 c 309 § 12; 1955 c 12 § 75.28.130. Prior: 1951 c 271 § 11; 1949 c 112 § 69(3); Rem. Supp. 1949 § 5780-507(3). Formerly RCW 75.28.130.]
Notes: Finding -- Purpose -- Intent -- 1999 c 239: "The legislature finds that it is in the public interest to convert the Puget Sound shrimp fishery from the status of an emerging fishery to that of a limited entry fishery. The purpose of this act is to initiate this conversion, recognizing that additional details associated with the shrimp fishery limited entry program will need to be developed. The legislature intends to complete the development of the laws associated with this limited entry fishery program during the next regular legislative session and will consider recommendations from the industry and the department during this program." [1999 c 239 § 1.]
Finding -- Severability -- 1994 c 260: See notes following RCW 77.70.280.
Effective date -- 1994 c 260 §§ 1-5, 9-19, and 21-24: See note following RCW 77.70.280.
Contingent effective date -- 1993 sp.s. c 17 §§ 34-47: See note following RCW 77.65.020.
Finding -- Contingent effective date -- Severability -- 1993 sp.s. c 17: See notes following RCW 77.32.520.
Severability -- Effective date -- 1977 ex.s. c 327: See notes following RCW 77.65.150.
Effective dates -- 1971 ex.s. c 283: See note following RCW 77.65.170.
Dungeness crab-Puget Sound fishery license endorsement: RCW 77.70.110.