A whiting-Puget Sound fishery license may be transferred through gift, devise, bequest, or descent to members of the license holder's immediate family which shall be limited to spouse, children, or stepchildren. The holder of a whiting-Puget Sound fishery license shall be present on any vessel taking whiting under the license. In no instance may temporary permits be issued.
The director may adopt rules necessary to implement RCW 77.70.130 and 77.70.140.
[2000 c 107 § 68; 1993 c 340 § 40; 1986 c 198 § 4. Formerly RCW 75.30.180.]
Notes: Finding, intent -- Captions not law -- Effective date -- Severability -- 1993 c 340: See notes following RCW 77.65.010.