(1) A Washington Pacific sardine purse seine fishery license:
(a) May only be issued to a person that held a coastal pilchard experimental fishery permit in 2008, except as otherwise provided in this section;
(b) Must be renewed annually to remain active; and
(c) Subject to the restrictions of subsections (6) and (7) of this section and RCW 77.65.040, is transferable.
(2) A Washington Pacific sardine purse seine fishery license may be issued to any person that held a coastal pilchard experimental fishery permit in 2005, 2006, or 2007 and is precluded from qualifying under subsection (1) of this section because the vessel designated on the permit sank prior to 2008.
(3) Beginning in 2010, after taking into consideration the status of the Pacific sardine population, the impact of removal of sardines and other forage fish to the marine ecosystem, including the effect on endangered marine species, and the market for Pacific sardines in the state, the director may issue:
(a) A Washington Pacific sardine purse seine fishery license to any person provided that the issuance would not raise the number of licenses beyond the number initially issued in 2009;
(b) A Washington Pacific sardine purse seine temporary annual fishery permit to any person if the combined number of active Washington Pacific sardine purse seine fishery licenses and annual temporary permits already issued during the year is less than twenty-five.
(4) The annual fee for a Washington Pacific sardine purse seine fishery license is one hundred eighty-five dollars for residents and two hundred ninety-five dollars for nonresidents.
(5) The fee for a Washington Pacific sardine purse seine temporary annual fishery permit is one hundred eighty-five dollars for residents and two hundred ninety-five dollars for nonresidents. A temporary annual fishery permit expires at the end of the calendar year in which the permit is issued.
(6) Only a person who owns or operates the vessel designated on the license or permit may hold a Washington Pacific sardine purse seine fishery license or temporary annual fishery permit.
(7) A person may not own or hold an ownership interest in more than two Washington Pacific sardine purse seine fishery licenses.
(8) The director shall adopt rules that require a person fishing under a Washington Pacific sardine purse seine fishery license or a temporary annual permit to minimize bycatch, and to the extent bycatch cannot be avoided, to minimize the mortality of such bycatch.
[2009 c 331 § 3.]