Any person engaged in the business of logging or lumbering, quarrying, mining, or removing sand, gravel, or other valuable materials from land, and desirous of obtaining a right-of-way or easement provided for in RCW 79.110.010 through 79.110.030 over and across any state-owned tidelands or shorelands, or beds of navigable waters or any lands sold or leased by the state since June 15, 1911, shall file with the department upon a form to be furnished for that purpose, a written application for the right-of-way in accordance with the provisions of RCW 79.36.350.
[2005 c 155 § 206; 2003 c 334 § 611; 1982 1st ex.s. c 21 § 53. Formerly RCW 79.91.060.]
Notes: Intent -- 2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.