Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definition in this section applies throughout this chapter.
"Marine aquatic plants" means saltwater marine plant species that are dependent upon the marine aquatic or tidal environment, and exist in either an attached or free-floating state. Marine aquatic plants include but are not limited to seaweed of the classes Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta, and Rhodophyta.
[1993 c 283 § 2. Formerly RCW 79.96.200, 79.01.800.]
Notes: Findings -- 1993 c 283: "The legislature finds that the plant resources of marine aquatic ecosystems have inherent value and provide essential habitat. These resources are also becoming increasingly valuable as economic commodities and may be declining. The legislature further finds that the regulation of harvest of these resources is currently inadequate to afford necessary protection." [1993 c 283 § 1.]