The state capitol committee may construct parking facilities for the state capitol adequate to provide parking space for automobiles, said parking facilities to be either of a single level, multiple level, or both, and to be either on one site or more than one site and located either on or in close proximity to the capitol grounds, though not necessarily contiguous thereto. The state capitol committee may select such lands as are necessary therefor and acquire them by purchase or condemnation. As an aid to such selection the committee may cause location, topographical, economic, traffic, and other surveys to be conducted, and for this purpose may utilize the services of existing state agencies, may employ personnel, or may contract for the services of any person, firm or corporation. In selecting the location and plans for the construction of the parking facilities the committee shall consider recommendations of the director of general administration.
Space in parking facilities may be rented to the officers and employees of the state on a monthly basis at a rental to be determined by the director of general administration. The state shall not sell gasoline, oil, or any other commodities or perform any services for any vehicles or equipment other than state equipment.
[1977 c 75 § 90; 1965 c 129 § 1; 1955 c 293 § 1.]