The state capitol committee shall proceed as rapidly as their resources permit to acquire title to the following described property for development as state capitol grounds:
That area bounded as follows: Commencing at a point beginning at the southwest corner of Capitol Way and 15th Avenue and proceeding westerly to the present easterly boundary of the capitol grounds on the west; thence proceeding northerly along said easterly boundary of the capitol grounds; thence proceeding easterly along the boundary of the present capitol grounds to a point at the corner of Capitol Way and 14th Avenue; thence proceeding southerly to the point of beginning; also that area bounded by Capitol Way on the west, 11th Avenue on the north, Jefferson Street on the east, and 16th Avenue (Maple Park) on the south; also that area bounded by Jefferson Street on the west, 14th Avenue on the north, Cherry Street on the east and 14th Avenue (Interstate No. 5 access) on the south; also that area bounded by 14th Avenue (Interstate No. 5 access) on the north, the westerly boundary of the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. right-of-way on the east, 16th Avenue on the south, and Jefferson Street on the west; also that area bounded by 15th Avenue on the north, the westerly boundary of the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. right-of-way on the east, and 14th Avenue (Interstate No. 5 access) on the south and west; all in the city of Olympia, county of Thurston, state of Washington, or any such portion or portions of the above described areas as may be required for present or future expansion of the facilities of the state capitol.
[1967 ex.s. c 43 § 1; 1961 c 167 § 1.]