Bonds issued under RCW 79.24.650 through 79.24.668 shall mature at such time or times, and include such provisions for optional redemption, premiums, coverage, guarantees, and other covenants as in the opinion of the state capitol committee may be necessary. In issuing such bonds and including such provisions, the state capitol committee shall act for the state and all officers, departments and agencies thereof affected by such provisions, and the state and such other officers, departments and agencies shall adhere to and be bound by such covenants. As long as any of such bonds shall be outstanding, neither the state, nor any of its officers, departments, agencies or instrumentalities, shall divert any of the proceeds and revenues actually pledged to secure the payment of the bonds and interest thereon, and the provisions of this section shall restrict and limit the powers of the legislature of the state of Washington in respect to the matters herein mentioned as long as the bonds are outstanding and unpaid and shall constitute a contract to that effect for the benefit of the holders of all such bonds. The principal and interest of said bonds shall be payable at the office of the state treasurer, or at the office of the fiscal agent of the state in New York City at the option of the holder of any such bond or bonds.
[1969 ex.s. c 272 ยง 3.]